Sunday, July 24, 2011

*** FREE 2LB HAM from Omaha Steaks!! ***

WOW... now this is a sweet deal... you get a FREE 2lb ham + FREE shipping with any order!!!  Just click here.  For only $2 you can choose a 2 oz pkg of Beef Snack Sticks and get those and the ham for only $2!!!  Here's how... just click here and click on the Order From Mailing tab at the top of the page then enter item # 2276CHA.  Then simply proceed to the Checkout and the FREE ham will automatically be added!!!!!  ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Wow such a nice deal. I just Love them alot.If you are looking for savings while purchasing steaks then you can use
    Omaha Steaks Discount Coupons are the best option. Hope you will like it.
